Friday, June 21, 2013

School in Ohio Bans Afro Puffs and Braids

Just when you thought the Natural look was safe ....... The Horizon Science Academy in Ohio has decided otherwise
ohio school bans afro puffs

 From strawberri Curls...

 I look at our natural hair styles as a statement of who were are. We finally look at our hair and find it beautiful and then somebody has the nerve to turn around and classify it as “fadish”. How can we teach our girls to love their hair when you have things like this happening?

ohio school bans afro puffs
ohio school bans natural hair styles


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Mass Incarceration Normalized

This is actually disturbing to me as a Black Man..... 

Here we see P.B.S. attempt to "Normalize" Mass Incarceration...

The project is Bankrolled by  a foreign contractor who builds Hi Tech Weapons for Americas National Defense System. 

The main sponsor, BAE Systems. The British contractor, whose U.S. subsidiary is one of the largest suppliers to the Department of Defense, depends — like many other defense contractors — on the low-overhead labor of prisoners incarcerated at for-profit facilities. 

Right now, federal prison inmates in correctional institutions across America are making parts for Patriot missiles.

They are paid $0.23 an hour to start, and can work their way up to a maximum of $1.15 to manufacture electronics that go into the propulsion, guidance, and targeting systems of Lockheed Martin’s (LMT) PAC-3 guided missile, originally made famous in the first Persian Gulf conflict.

Read more:

That said, BAE has a large philanthropic arm, and perhaps "Little Children, Big Challenges" was one of the more obvious projects to support.

 To get a feel for the project, check out the first video, titled "What is Incarceration?", on Sesame Street's website.

Heres an excerpt from their website....

Little Children,
Big Challenges: Incarceration

The incarceration of a loved one can be very overwhelming for both children and caregivers. It can bring about big changes and transitions. In simple everyday ways, you can comfort your child and guide her through these tough moments. With your love and support she can get through anything that comes her way. Here are some tools to help you with the changes your child is going through.

 This is a prime example of how profits determine policy.... 

This kind of stuff must be opposed ... 

Mass Incarceration is not NORMAL, and using our tax dollars to subsidize these greedy companies profit schemes is not the way to go...

Your thoughts....

Monday, June 10, 2013

DWB...Driving While Black??? A Taste of Reality

Screenshot via ABC 15
Jessie Thornton.

A 64-year-old  Ariz., man was arrested and charged with drunk driving even though tests showed that he had a blood alcohol level of 0.00 and a drug recognition officer said the man was completely sober.
Jessie Thornton, a retired firefighter who says he often sleeps during the day and is up at night because of his wife’s schedule as an ER nurse, was pulled over late one night after his car crossed the white line in his lane.
“He (the officer) walked up and he said ‘I can tell you’re driving DUI by looking in your eyes,’ ” Thornton told local news station ABC 15. Thornton had just come from a late night workout at an LA Fitness gym, and says his eyes could have been red because he been swimming. He says the officer told him he had “bloodshot eyes” and said “I think you’re DUI.”
“He (the officer) goes, ‘Well we’re going to do a sobriety test.’ I said, ‘OK, but I got bad knees and a bad hip with surgery in two days.’ ”
According to ABC 15, medical documents did indeed show that Thornton was scheduled to undergo a hip replacement two days after he was pulled over, and that the police report even noted that he had hip and knee problems.
Officers went on with the sobriety test, but as Thornton said, “At one point, one of the officers shined the light in my eye and said, ‘Oh, sorry,’ and asked the other officer if he was doing it right.”
Still, he was later handcuffed and taken down to the police station, where he made to take a Breathalyzer test. The results?
“It comes back zero, zero, zero,” Thornton told ABC 15.
A drug recognition officer then looked over Thornton, determining that he was completely sober. After he did all the tests, Thornton said the expert told him, ‘I would never have arrested you, you show no signs of impairment.’ ”
In fact, documents show that the drug recognition officer wrote in his statement that “in my opinion Jessie was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol.”
By that time, however, Thornton’s car was impounded and the Arizona Motor Vehicle Division had been notified that he had been arrested for a DUI. He says he was later alerted that his license had been suspended. And because this happened on a Friday night, he didn’t get his car back until Monday.
Eventually, Thornton was released from police custody and the DUI charge was later dropped.
This isn’t the first Thornton was pulled over by police, however. The retired firefighter says he’s been stopped 10 times since he moved to the retirement community of Surprise from Ohio, and has been ticketed on four occasions. The latest stop and wrongful arrest have prompted Thornton to hire an attorney and sue the Surprise police department.
ABC 15:
“This is a case of D-W-B, driving while black,” said Thornton’s attorney Marc Victor.
Victor’s office has filed a notice of claim against the City of Surprise seeking $500,000.
“It’s not totally about the money, although I’m already out more than $5,000, that’s $5,000 that I don’t have,” said Thornton.
“This is not the way American citizens ought to be treated by officers or treated by anybody for that matter,” said Victor.
...“Here he (Jessie) is being harassed for no other reason than the color of his skin,” said Attorney Charity Clark. “It’s frustrating that somebody had to go through this type of experience, they poke and prod him and arrest him for nothing.”
Thornton said his daughter, who is in law enforcement, has filed an official complaint with the City of Surprise.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Gary Webb Receives Posthumous Apology From LA Times Writer

Gary Webb is getting an apology from an unlikely source. The  Pulitzer Prize winning reporter who was drummed out of the newspaper industry after writing a story exposing the CIA’s involvement in the introduction of crack cocaine in America is getting a posthumous apology from one of the people who helped drum him out.


Nine years after investigative reporter Gary Webb committed suicide, Jesse Katz, a former Los Angeles Times reporter who played a leading role in ruining the controversial journalist’s career, has publicly apologized — just weeks before shooting begins in Atlanta on Kill the Messenger, a film expected to reinstate Webb’s reputation as an award-winning journalist dragged through the mud by disdainful, competing media outlets.
Katz and other establishment press writers worked overtime to discredit Webb and destroy his career. Part of the motivation seemed to be annoyance at being scooped by a lower tier paper like the San Jose Mercury News along with an instinctual defense of the establishment itself. The Washingon Post’s former ombudsman, Geneva Overholser, would later claim that the Post had displayed a “misdirected zeal” in attacking Webb.
In the wake of the experience Webb conceded that many of the progressive critiques of the corporate media were correct, saying:
If we had met five years ago, you wouldn’t have found a more staunch defender of the newspaper industry than me … I was winning awards, getting raises, lecturing college classes, appearing on TV shows, and judging journalism contests. So how could I possibly agree with people like Noam Chomsky and Ben Bagdikian, who were claiming the system didn’t work, that it was steered by powerful special interests and corporations, and existed to protect the power elite? And then I wrote some stories that made me realize how sadly misplaced my bliss had been. The reason I’d enjoyed such smooth sailing for so long hadn’t been, as I’d assumed, because I was careful and diligent and good at my job … The truth was that, in all those years, I hadn’t written anything important enough to suppress.
Webb would later be vindicated by a Department of Justice report claiming the CIA did violate rules to help suspected drug traffickers and testimony by the CIA Inspector General who admitted before Congress:
CIA worked with a variety of people to support the Contra program. These included CIA assets, pilots who ferried supplies to the Contras, as well as Contra officials and others. Let me be frank about what we are finding. There are instances where CIA did not, in an expeditious or consistent fashion, cut off relationships with individuals supporting the Contra program who were alleged to have engaged in drug trafficking activity or take action to resolve the allegations.
Despite being later vindicated, Gary Webb’s career was destroyed by the backlash to his reporting. In 2004, reportedly depressed over not being able to find work or pay his bills, Webb committed suicide. The apology by Jesse Katz comes as filming is set to begin on the appropriately titled Kill The Messenger staring Jeremy Renner based on Webb’s life and career.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

D.E.A. Still using Perjured ,Fired, Snitch for Drug Cases











D.E.A. criticized for use of 'Highest-paid snitch' previously fired for perjury.

Here is yet another Glaring Reason to end the so called " War on Drugs"

PHOENIX -- A government informant who was terminated by the Justice Department years ago amid accusations of serial perjury has been reactivated and is working an undercover drug case with DEA agents in Phoenix, prompting allegations of government misconduct by a defense lawyer in a pending case.
Andrew Chambers Jr., once labeled in court records as "the highest-paid snitch in DEA history," gave false testimony under oath in at least 16 criminal prosecutions nationwide before he was exposed in the late 1990s, according to U.S. District Court filings.
Chambers was an informant from 1984 to 2000 for the Drug Enforcement Administration and other federal agencies in at least 280 cases. The sting operations, which sent dozens of suspects to prison, took place in 31 cities across the nation.
During his first career as an informant, Chambers, 56, reportedly received up to $4 million in government money, nearly half of that from the DEA. He also was a paid informant of the FBI, customs-enforcement officers, postal inspectors, the Secret Service and other police agencies. He was credited with a role in 445 drug arrests.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Blacks Are Singled Out for Marijuana Arrests, Federal Data Suggests

After Reading an article today I thought to myself ...

If you never get at the ROOT of a problem...
  You can Never fix it...

 During Testimony to Congress in support of the 1937 "Tax Stamp Act..."

Harry Anslinger said"

"There are over 100,00 marijuana users in the United States today, and MOST are Negros, Latinos, Fillipinos , and Jazz Entertainers.. Their Satanic music Jazz, and Swing result from Marijuana usage, This marijuana causes white women to seek Sexual relations with Negros Entertainers, and any others"

"The primary reason to outlaw marijuana is the effect on the degenerate Races"

source: Gore Files  

 For this we need a Constitutional Law Professor to argue the affected peoples case....

Oh Thats Right!!...

We have one in the white house right now.....

all snark aside .. I do hope he turns a corner on this issue.

Why are We Wasting So Much Money ?!?!
