Thursday, June 13, 2013

Mass Incarceration Normalized

This is actually disturbing to me as a Black Man..... 

Here we see P.B.S. attempt to "Normalize" Mass Incarceration...

The project is Bankrolled by  a foreign contractor who builds Hi Tech Weapons for Americas National Defense System. 

The main sponsor, BAE Systems. The British contractor, whose U.S. subsidiary is one of the largest suppliers to the Department of Defense, depends — like many other defense contractors — on the low-overhead labor of prisoners incarcerated at for-profit facilities. 

Right now, federal prison inmates in correctional institutions across America are making parts for Patriot missiles.

They are paid $0.23 an hour to start, and can work their way up to a maximum of $1.15 to manufacture electronics that go into the propulsion, guidance, and targeting systems of Lockheed Martin’s (LMT) PAC-3 guided missile, originally made famous in the first Persian Gulf conflict.

Read more:

That said, BAE has a large philanthropic arm, and perhaps "Little Children, Big Challenges" was one of the more obvious projects to support.

 To get a feel for the project, check out the first video, titled "What is Incarceration?", on Sesame Street's website.

Heres an excerpt from their website....

Little Children,
Big Challenges: Incarceration

The incarceration of a loved one can be very overwhelming for both children and caregivers. It can bring about big changes and transitions. In simple everyday ways, you can comfort your child and guide her through these tough moments. With your love and support she can get through anything that comes her way. Here are some tools to help you with the changes your child is going through.

 This is a prime example of how profits determine policy.... 

This kind of stuff must be opposed ... 

Mass Incarceration is not NORMAL, and using our tax dollars to subsidize these greedy companies profit schemes is not the way to go...

Your thoughts....

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